Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Strategies to Overcome Insulin Resistance

Despite popular belief to the contrary, it may be possible to cure insulin resistance by following a protocol that includes an insulin resistance diet plan, insulin resistance supplements and a regular exercise program.

Insulin resistance (IR) is characterised by an inability of the body cells to bind insulin and allow nutrients to flow into the cells.

This results in elevated levels of glucose in the bloodstream, leading to many serious health issues. Over time, it may result in blindness, peripheral neuropathy (damaged blood vessels and nerves in fingers and toes that may require amputation) and coronary heart disease to name a few.

Despite the serious nature of this condition and its growing prevalence in our society, it may be possible to cure insulin resistance by following some simple strategies.

1. Eat small meals often

Having a 'Sunday Roast' or dinner with friends occasionally is fine. However, in order to prevent or cure insulin resistance, small meals must be the norm.

Larger meals induce a larger insulin response in the body simply because more nutrients need to be stored. Since it is necessary to keep insulin production as low as possible, replacing the large meals with smaller options is the first step that needs to be taken.

In saying that, having small meals doesn't mean you have to starve. You can still have the same amount of food throughout the day you just need to spread it over 5 meals as opposed to 3. By keeping insulin low you will also help your body use more of its fat stores as a fuel.

This is a major part of the insulin resistance diet plan.

2. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates tend to induce a far higher spike in the blood sugar than other carbohydrates. This of course results in a greater amount of insulin being secreted by the pancreas.

When the receptors on cell membranes get continually bombarded by insulin they become de-sensitised to its action (IR). Therefore, reducing your intake of refined carbs means that less insulin is produced and the chance of the cell receptors becoming de-sensitised will also be reduced.

3. Reduce your overall carbohydrate and saturated fat intake

Carbohydrates induce insulin production far more than the other two macronutrients; protein and fat. Therefore, reducing your overall intake of carbohydrates will reduce insulin production and decrease the opportunity for IR to occur in your body.

All of our cell membranes are made of phospholipids, which are made from fats. If we have a high intake of saturated fats in our diet our cell membranes become harder and less permeable. This promotes IR.

By reducing our overall carbohydrate and saturated fat intake we reduce insulin production and improve the functioning of our cell membranes, which reduces IR.

4. Increase your fibre intake

Since fibre slows down the absorption rate of carbohydrates from the intestines into the blood stream, insulin production will also be reduced. By reducing insulin secretion, you reduce the potential for IR to occur in your body.

Fibre is found mainly in fruits, vegetables and whole-grain foods. Some people find it easy to add a couple of teaspoons of psyllium husks to their breakfast cereal in the morning. This is a great way to increase your fibre intake and psyllium has a whole range of health benefits.

5. Add some good fats to your diet

All of our cell membranes are made of phospholipids, which are made from fats. Adding good fats to our diet makes our cell membranes more permeable and flexible. It also reduces IR by allowing the cell receptors to function optimally.

You may want to take some fish oil capsules every day, add some flax seed oil to your diet or simply add some LSA (Linseed, Sunflower seed and Almond) meal to your cereal each day. These are some easy ways to add good fats to your diet.

6. Have 'complete' meals

'Complete' meals are meals that supply your body with a portion of carbohydrate, protein and fat. By ensuring that all 3 macronutrients are in your meals, you slow down the passage of carbohydrates into the blood stream because protein and fat slow its absorption.

A slow and sustained release of glucose into the blood stream means that your blood sugar level will remain stable, insulin will stay low and the potential for IR in your body will be reduced.

7. Use glucose disposal agents

Glucose disposal agents (GDAs) function of insulin by making cell receptors more sensitive to its action. This means they have the potential to prevent and even reverse insulin resistance in your body, which will make it much easier for your body to access and burn fat as a fuel source.

Since insulin resistance is becoming more prevalent these days, most adults should consider using glucose disposal agents almost every day. In order to cure insulin resistance it is best to use it 3 times a day with your breakfast, lunch and dinner meals.

8. Exercise every day

Regular, daily exercise is important for everyone to do but it is even more important if you want to cure insulin resistance. When you exercise your body cells, particularly muscle cells, use up more nutrients. This makes the cell membranes more receptive to insulin since the cells need more nutrients to flow into them.

Both aerobic exercise and resistance exercise should be performed on a weekly basis. This will ensure the cell membranes become as receptive to insulin as possible.

Overall, by combining an insulin resistance diet plan with insulin resistance supplements and daily exercise it is possible to cure insulin resistance.

Ice Cream Maker

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