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Flaxseed oil is also called linseed oil, and has been considered by many as being very beneficial to cancer patients. It was in 1951 that Dr Johanna Budwig, a German Biochemist and oil expert, devised a cancer patient diet that included high levels of flaxseed and cottage cheese.
The reason Budwig believes a high amount of flaxseed in your diet is a cancer cure and preventative is because of the linol-acids. In a westerner's diet, linol-acid is low, and flaxseed will supplement this.
As a scientist who has profusely studied flaxseed and its benefits, Budwig reported elements in the blood that cancer patients were lacking. The Doctor also observed a yellowy-green shade to the blood where healthy patients showed bright red.
Using the flaxseed and cottage cheese to supplement the diet of the cancer patients was successful according to Budwig. It was recoded that their blood became bright red and healthy, and many tumors began to disappear completely.
Not only those with cancer, but also patients who had arteriosclerosis, past strokes, bronchial spasms, heartbeat irregularities, ulcers, arthritis and dermatitis have reported much success from taking flaxseed.
Omega 3 essential fatty acids (essential for physical and mental wellbeing)and lignan (antioxidants and phytoestrogens (substances that act like estrogen) found in plants are two ingredients in flaxseed that are believed to be cancer fighters. Some people prefer to add flaxseed oil to their cereal, smoothies or water, and others prefer to use the ground, powder form, which is also nice on salads. If you can use the powder option there are the added benefits due to the high fiber content and possibly more omega 3 too.
There is a diet created by Dr Budwig that describes a recipe for flaxseed oil and cottage cheese mayonnaise. You can also sprinkle flaxseeds in the ground form onto your breakfast cereal or even take the oil or seeds directly with a heaped spoon of honey.
Flaxseeds are also lovely sprinkled over a salad or in a soup, and are practically undetectable in a smoothie. You can cook with them, but this can't be relied on for your daily intake as the properties change when heated. Drinking them down with a class of water is quick and easy, but needs to be done immediately so the mucilage doesn't swell and absorb the water, making it thick and gluggy.
The diet is designed specifically for cancer patients, and the main ingredient is flaxseed. Dr Budwig supports the fact that this is the main ingredient that resulted in tumor reduction, cancer remissions and healthy blood. People all over the globe are now following suit and starting to take flaxseed in some form every day.
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