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Here is one of our science fair projects kids enjoy a lot. It is easy and very visual. The little ones may not understand the concept of the electrons yet, but it is good to let experience it and later the explanation will make sense much easier as they are familiar with the effects already. This is an easy science fair project that is quick and easy to do!
Science fair projects kids enjoy are always those that are fun and easy to do and they do not come easier than this one! It may be an easy science fair project, but they will still learn a lot from it.
What is static electricity?
Questions you should be able to answer once you have completed this experiment:
When rubbing the balloon against your sweater, what happens between the balloon and the sweater?
What happens to the puffed wheat or rice when the balloon is held just above it?
Why do you think the puffed wheat or rice jumps up?
Why does the puffed wheat or rice only stick to the balloon for a short while?
Why does the puffed wheat or rice not jump up and cling to the second balloon that you did not rub against your sweater?
Why do you have to do the second part of the experiment?
What is it called?
What is the proper scientific method?
What you need for this experiment:
2 Blown up balloons
A sweater
A bowl of puffed wheat or rice
A note book
A pen
A camera
The steps in your project:
Rub the balloon against your sweater
Hold the balloon just above the bowl with the puffed wheat or rice in it
Now you take the other balloon and hold it just above the puffed wheat or rice without rubbing it on your sweater first
Get someone to help you take notes through the whole project and make sure you take a photo of each step for your display
Your conclusion:
The second balloon that you do not rub against your sweater is your control. It shows you what happens if you do nothing to the balloon.
This is a very important part of the scientific method as you always have to prove that what you did made the difference and that what happened would not have happened in any case. I mean, without you doing anything. So you have to prove that the puffed wheat or rice would not have jumped up at the balloon if you did not rub it against your sweater.
When you rub the balloon against your sweater the friction causes electrons to move to the balloon causing it to be negatively laden, electrically. This will also cause the balloon to stick to your sweater. Now when you hold the balloon close to the puffed wheat or rice, it is drawn to the balloon because of its lower electrical load. Once the electrons passed from the balloon to the puffed wheat or rice, they fall back again as they are no longer drawn to the balloons. Because the puffed wheat or rice is so light it is very easy to see the effect, even when the difference is not that big.
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