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If you are determined to lose weight or even cut a few pounds of those hips then, reducing the number of calories you eat needs to be your priority. Follow these rules below and you should see those calories dropping off in no time:
1) Eat smaller portions: We tend to eat far too much when sitting down for a meal. In the West we tend to use larger plates which, gives us a good reason to fill them up with more food than we can eat. As a general guide, you should eat no more than will fill your two hands cupped together. This is easier to achieve by using smaller plates, about 7 to 9 inches in diameter should do.
2) Read the labels: A lot of processed food contains many additives and fat that can increase your calorie intake. Even the low fat options can still be high in calories because of their high sugar content. For example, the average box of breakfast cereal contains 250 calories.
3) Chew your food: Your hunger is controlled by your brain, not your stomach as most people think. When you start eating you have about 20 minutes for the brain to register that your stomach is full. Rather than gulping down your food, eat slowly and chew your food at least 20 to 30 times. By taking your time you will eat less and still feel you have eaten well.
4) Cut down on dairy products: These are the staple of the western diet because they taste good and are very versatile. However, they make us fat. If you cannot eliminate milk, cheese, yogurt from your diet then switch to the low fat options. Be careful, the low fat options make up for their lack of fat by including lots of sugar to improve the taste and texture. Remember, more sugar means more calories.
5) Throw away the frying pan: How we cook our food is just as important as what food we eat. Cooking meats in high fat oil will definitely increase your calories. It is better to grill, boil or even better, steam your food.
6) Eat naturally: Increase your intake of fresh organic vegetables. These foods bulk up your stomach leaving very little real estate for the much heavier high fat stuff. Also, vegetables take longer to chew meaning you will eat less. See strategy 3.
7) Cut down on the booze: Believe it or not alcohol contains calories and too much of it can pile on the pounds. The higher the alcohol means more calories for example, depending on the proof the average beer contains between 100 to 150 calories. Wine and spirits will have more calories because of their higher proof.
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