A killer hangover the morning after is enough to make anyone vow they will never drink again. The most you can do is hope it's the weekend and you've got time to indulge in the best hangover cure - sleep. But if you find yourself facing the working day hung over and with very little sleep, following our tips for a speedy recovery may help.
Getting your head together
Regardless of whether you are due in work, there are a few essential ways to help get rid of your hangover;
- Have a hot power shower - many headaches are often the result of constricted blood vessels or tense neck muscles. Standing with the water hitting the back of your head and massaging your neck will help relax the tension and relieve your headache.
- Get some fresh air - this will do wonders for you head. If you're heading out to work in the morning, make sure you walk at least one stop before getting public transport and you will feel much better when you arrive.
- Avoid fatty foods - a hangover can often make you crave fatty foods and you might feel like a full English will cure your hangover, but you're best to stay away. Try having a substantial breakfast cereal with a slow releasing energy fruit such as a banana to help you get through the day.
- Avoid having a hair of the dog - many believe another alcoholic drink will put your hangover off course, but in reality all it will do is delay the inevitable. Swap having an early morning beer or an Irish coffee in favour of drinking lots of water to rehydrate yourself. If your stomach can't handle large amounts of water, try having a sip of water every 10 minutes.
Sticking to this advice will really help you feel a lot better by the latter part of the day. Make sure you give you body time to recover by taking time off from alcohol if you've had a heavy session and don't be tempted back in to the pub the next day.
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