Synopsis The Brute Man Hal Moffat (Fred Coby before disfigurement, Rondo Hatton afterwards) is taking wholesale revenge by murdering those he holds responsible for his disfigurement. He's befriended by Helen Paige (Adams), a blind piano teacher. He develops a warmth for her that leads him to add thievery and robbery to his murders so she can be provided with the money for an operation to restore her sight. Obscure References * "Et tu, Brute Man?" A play on Julius Caesar's legendary final words, Et tu, Brute?. * "It's Goofus and Gallant!" Goofus and Gallant are two characters who regularly appear in the magazine Highlights for Children. * "I'm being followed by a brute shadow..." A parody of the Cat Stevens song "Moon Shadow". * "Professor Cushman was laid to rest in a tiny, battery-powered car!" A reference to Cushman, a company that manufactures golf carts and parking-patrol vehicles. * "They forgot my Fruit Brute cereal!" Fruit Brute was a breakfast cereal made from 1975 to 1983, part of the same "Monster Series" as Count Chocula. * "He's Big Head Todd *and* the Monster!" A reference to the band Big Head Todd and the Monsters. * "Let's make lots of money!" Crow is quoting the song "Opportunities" by the Pet Shop Boys. * "It's the Cheyenne Social Club!" The Cheyenne Social Club was a Western comedy film starring Jimmy Stewart as a man who inherits a bordello. * "Oh great, all my Gallery mags are in here!" Gallery is a pornographic magazine. * "Steelies!" "Steelies" are a ...
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