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Simply put, it's a lot quicker and easier to make a bowl of cereal than it is to make a big, sit-down breakfast. In addition to being more convenient, cereals offer a person a healthy breakfast choice, since most cereals are high in fiber. While the primary ingredient in hot and cold cereals alike is some form of grain - whether it is wheat, rice, oats, or barley - some cereals have more fiber content than others.
Cold Breakfast Cereals Not All Good
When looking for a high fiber cereal, avoid cold breakfast cereals that are made with refined flour or grains, as most of the nutrients and fiber has been already removed. When choosing a cold cereal, the best way to make a good choice is to choose a cereal with very simple ingredients. Bran and wheat flakes, rice puffs, shredded wheat, and oat rings are simple yet tasty and can be enhanced by adding fresh fruit. Kid's cereals are to be avoided, since they often contain high amounts of refined sugar, food coloring, and preservatives. And, while many of them boast high levels of necessary vitamins and minerals, they tend to be lower in fiber content than simpler cold cereals.
Hot Breakfast Cereals The Ultimate
Many people prefer hot cereals in the morning, especially if they live in a region that has a cold winter. A great high fiber choice for hot cereal is oatmeal. The "old-fashioned" type of oatmeal, like the cold cereals mentioned above, contains just one simple ingredient: oats.
Obviously, you get a balanced, nutritional meal when you eat this kind of cereal for breakfast. One drawback, however, is that it takes some time to prepare. "Instant" oatmeal is also available on the market and can be prepared in minutes using a microwave. But be sure to check the ingredients list of this kind of oatmeal, as it may contain unwanted preservatives or chemicals.
Including high Fiber Diet cereal in your diet is more than just a fad: many studies by expert health officials have confirmed that consuming an appropriate amount of fiber each day is essential to several bodily functions. In addition to helping one's digestive system remain regular and healthy, fiber also helps regulate a person's blood sugar. A balanced, regulated blood sugar level is essential to maintaining a consistent energy level as well as an acceptable body weight. The good news is taking care of your body in this way never tasted so good - high fiber cereals are usually very filling and delicious as well.
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