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Fiber is an extremely important element for everybody's health. Fiber diets help in the smooth working of our digestive system. Similarly soluble fiber is also a very important element in the diet. The soluble fiber prevents from stomach disorder like constipation and diarrhea. The fiber in soluble form helps us in relief from stomach cramps meanwhile it also prevents from the bowel dysfunction of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is worth noting that the soluble form of fiber transforms all the liquids present in the digestive tract to a jelly like structure; this jelly like structure provides us relief from stomach cramps. So in order to stay healthy it is strongly advisable to use soluble fibers in our diet.
Advantages of Soluble Fiber Amounts in Food:
Diabetes is a very serious problem and is a very common problem nowadays; it is caused by the malfunction of the human pancreas. The soluble form of fiber or soluble fiber is a very good cure for diabetes mellitus because the soluble fiber helps the pancreas in making its own insulin rather than getting from an external source. Thus there is no proper need of any medication. The soluble fiber also controls the amount of blood glucose and is anti-cholesterol. As the soluble fiber passes from the digestive tract it increases the level of bile acids which in turn removes the cholesterol from the body. So this proves that soluble fiber is also beneficial for heart patients. Due to this your body will not gain extra weight and you'll be smart and active.
As discussed earlier that by using the soluble fibers in our diet, we can easily lose our weigh as it removes the cholesterol from the body and it is the cholesterol which makes us heavier. The fibers contain less calories which also a big reason why we don't get overweight.
Source of Soluble Fiber Food:
Soluble fibers can be found in vegetables and fruits and are also found in oats, barley, dried beans, oat bran, brown rice, seeds and rye. The vegetable which contain good source of soluble fibers comprise peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower. Certain fruits also contain fibers like apples, bananas, pears. Soluble fiber in fruits is present in the pectin where the fruit stores its water which in turn provides the fruit with texture and shape.
One of the most important forms of soluble fiber is known as psyllium, which provides laxative, this fiber is found mostly in India. This fiber acts as an anti fattening agent. This fiber doest not let the fatty substances get absorbed in the intestine. Thus this soluble fiber causes a decrease in the level of cholesterol in body.
It is researched and thus recommended that eating oat bran which is rich in soluble fiber prevents from coronary diseases. You can find a lot of information about soluble fibers online as well as there are a lot of best-selling books, which discuss the importance of soluble fibers in our diet.
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