The people that usually have a hard time gaining weight are hard gainers, but the truth is, most people that find it hard to gain the weight they're looking for are not eating enough high calorie foods. When you start including foods high in calories into your diet you will begin to gain the weight your looking for, simple as that.
When your changing your diet to gain weight you must make sure your not including just any calories in your diet. You have to increase your calorie intake in a healthy manner and make sure the foods your eating have some kind of nutritional value as well. So what are some healthy foods high in calories that can help you gain weight quickly? Take a look below at 5 foods high in calories but healthy at the same time.
Bananas: Bananas contain a lot of useful minerals and vitamins which make them a very healthy and nutritious food item. Bananas not only have the benefit of being healthy but they also pack a lot of calories as well. One medium banana will provide you with about 115 calories.
Nuts: Nuts are high in calories and fat but they also have other healthy ingredients such as healthy monounsaturates. This makes them a healthy but calorie high snack you can use in between meals to keep your body gaining the most weight possible.
Peanut Butter: Peanut butter contains a lot of monounsaturated fats which is good for you, and one teaspoon contains about 62 calories. Now imagine when you spread peanut butter over a slice of wheat bread, this will give your weight gaining calories a good boost.
Pasta: A typical serving of pasta will provide you with around 800 to 1,000 calories. This makes pasta and other carbohydrates great for gaining weight. Other healthy carbohydrates you should consider including in your diet are whole grains, cereals, beans, potatoes, and rice.
Breakfast Cereal: Each morning you should develop the habit of eating at least 1 serving of cereal for breakfast. 1 serving of your favorite cereal can give you a 185 calorie boost for the day.
Eating the right foods is one thing, but you also need to make sure you involve yourself in a regular workout routine to achieve a bigger toned body, not a flabby and chubby one. Even if your a hard gainer, with the right healthy high calorie foods along with the proper workouts you will have no trouble at all to gain weight.
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